jīng shén tiān dú ráo,zuì àng chūn kě jí。精神天獨饒,醉盎春可即。dú shū xì yán mó,zuò wén gōng zǔ zhī。讀書細妍磨,作文工組織。tíng yú lì liǎng zào,piàn yán fēn qū zhí。庭隅立兩造,片言分曲直。jí wán jiè yǐ shèn,zhēng shì tuì rú...
the usa is the most developed country in the world. the people there speak english. it is the 4th largest country in the world in area. it's area is just behind china. the capital is Washinton DC. there're 50 states in the usa. the president is Obama. his family lives ...
小編為您整理了床頭金盡、倒枕搥床、對床夜語等含“床”的成語73個,其中“床”開頭的9個,“床”結尾的24個,“床”在中間的40個,及其解釋、出處和示例等。“床”開頭的成語1、床頭金盡[chuáng tóu jīn jìn]【解釋】床頭錢財耗盡。比喻錢財用完了,生活受困。【出處】唐·張籍《行路難》詩:“君不見床頭...
5. 【活龍活現(xiàn)】形容繪畫、雕刻或文字的敘述,極為逼真。 6. 【乘龍快婿】形容一個令人滿意的好女婿。 7. 【望子成龍】希望自己的兒子將來能成大器。 8. 【畫龍點眼】喻作畫在重要處添上一筆使作品更加深動。 9. 【蛟龍得水】喻人材得到賞識重用。 10. 【群龍無首】喻群眾失去了領袖。 11. 【葉公好...
釋義 只有一個,再沒有別的。形容非常少有 詞目 無論如何 發(fā)音wú lùn rú hé 釋義 不管怎樣。 詞目 各盡所能 發(fā)音gè jìn suǒ néng 釋義 各人盡自己的能力去做。 詞目 大器晚成 〖成語典故〗 發(fā)音dà qì wǎn chéng 釋義 大器:比喻大才。指能擔當重任的人物要經(jīng)過長期的鍛煉,所以成就較晚。也用...
葷衫18037895657咨詢: 六年級的作文集,我需要題目. -
______ 比喻:《父愛是座山》《五月榴花紅似火》《我是一只快樂的小狐貍》《父愛將我舉過命運的欄桿》 夸張:《世界不大是個家》《一張煎餅包天下》《貪心不足蛇吞象》《膽大包天》 對比:《小人物的大故事》《紅與黑》《為了忘卻的記憶》...
葷衫18037895657咨詢: 求六年級英語作文,(作文題目:I feel happy )40個單詞 -
______ When I feel happy, I feel like a bird soaring through the air.the sun shining warmly, fireworks exploding in the night sky.When I'm happy, I run, I jump, I just can't stay still. Being happy is sometimes noisy. Being happy is sometimes quiet.I feel happy ...
葷衫18037895657咨詢: 六年級語文畢業(yè)考試最有可能考到的作文是什么? -
______ 六年級語文畢業(yè)考試最有可能考到的作文是:題目:生活處處有課堂 要求:生活是一瓶五味醬,酸甜苦辣一應俱全;生活是一首樂曲,樂曲里有人間的快樂與酸甜;生活是一個無處不在的大課堂,使我們成長,讓我們積累寶貴的知識與經(jīng)驗....
葷衫18037895657咨詢: 6年級上冊最有可能出現(xiàn) 那些作文,題目 -
______ 我知道,因為我現(xiàn)在是6年級上冊的學生.有1.2.那一刻,我——.3.——讓我快樂.4.家鄉(xiāng)風味小吃.5.——讓我陶醉.6.我喜歡的一句名言.有一些忘了.校園的——.是我們期末的作文.
葷衫18037895657咨詢: 六年級英語作文,40個單詞以內 -
______ 題目意思不太清楚,我給了兩份,你選個吧.1. 現(xiàn)在進行時:就是你在電話里給被邀請人XXX的電話錄音留言 (實際情況是用這個) Hi XXX, I am leaving this message to ask you to join my birthday party on this Firday afternoon at the KFC next ...
葷衫18037895657咨詢: 六年級英語作文題 -
______ My favourite story is The White Snow Princess.The princess was very beautiful.She had a evil step-mother.Her step-mother envied the princess's beauty and always wanted to kill her.The princess escaped from her evil mother and ran into seven ...
葷衫18037895657咨詢: 求六年級英語作文,(作文題目:I feel happy )40個單詞作文題目:I feel happy -
______[答案] When I feel happy,I feel like a bird soaring through the air.the sun shining warmly,fireworks exploding in the night sky.When I'm happy,I run,I jump,I just can't stay still.Being happy is sometimes no...
葷衫18037895657咨詢: 六年級英語作文題~ -
______ Last weekend,my friend had a really bad weekend. After dinner,we went out for a walk.We had a good time in a park near our house.But when we got home, we found that the door was opend.The house was so messy.There was a thief getting into our house!We were so sad. That was a unhappy day!
葷衫18037895657咨詢: 著名的地方 介紹 英語作文 小學6年級的 40個單詞左右 -
______ China's Mount Everest is the world first peak, it in the Himalaya Mountains, there died at the age of the snow, the scenery is enchanting, Mount...
葷衫18037895657咨詢: 小學六年級英語作文題目大全.急急急 -
______ trip,favourite season,family,summer/winter holiday,my school,a day"s life,my new/best friend,my favourite national holiday,weekend,my (class) teacher.最多只有這些了,六年級,最多50~60詞