造句:外邊雖有些人,也是~,不相統(tǒng)攝。 34.成語:四面楚歌 發(fā)音:sìmiànchǔgē 釋義:比喻陷入四面受敵、孤立無援的境地。 造句:在這~里,憑你怎樣伶牙俐齒,也只得服從了。 35.成語:用兵如神 發(fā)音:yòngbīngrúshén 釋義:調兵遣將如同神人。形容善于指揮作戰(zhàn)。 造句:三國時期的諸葛亮神機妙算,~。 36.成語:有...
跨 跨越 我們要勇敢地跨越障礙,取得成功。
宋才13334046840咨詢: 英語造句在線等
______ 他幾乎從不抽煙.我照顧我的grandmather,因為她病了.保持活躍的行為之中,你會有更多的機會獲得成功.你多久去一次回你的hometown嗎有多少學生在你的class嗎李明擅長唱歌.幫助我,我有一些困難.
宋才13334046840咨詢: 英語造句英語造句.急急急
______ How about you ? 你怎樣? How about going out for a walk? 出去散散步好嗎? How about another one. 要不要再來一個. We can go shopping. 我們可以去買東西. We can do better. 我們可以做得更好. We can consider it. 我們可以考慮. ...
宋才13334046840咨詢: 求在線英語造句
______ 1.Our teachers always make us finish our homework on time. 2.We are supposed to make homework finished before class. 3.Our teachers always have us finish our homework on time. 4.We are supposed to have homework finished before class.
宋才13334046840咨詢: 英語造句 急!!!!! 在線等
______ 1:How well... know...? How well about the new is you know? 2:...live...since then? Did you still live in that house since then? 3:She used to... She used to speak in English. 4:The government should take action... The government should take action on ...
宋才13334046840咨詢: 關于英語造句(在線等)
______ 1. There is something wrong with my bicycle. 2. I have to finish my homework before dinner. 3. I cannot go to party with you without telling my mother. 4. You have to take care of you sick dog. 5. My hair is different from yours 6. My mother brought a few apples yesterday. 7. I plan to go to park this weekend.
宋才13334046840咨詢: 英文在線造句 急急
______ Datebase This database is too big. Validation A credit card validation process must be performed before you make the purchase. Access I don't have access to the building. Sort I like this sort of music. Records We keep all sales records. ...
宋才13334046840咨詢: 用英語單詞造句
______ The pipe was rusted at the joint; The range of my sight is only 500 meters now ... It is a specialized work,leave it to the experts Let's have a venture to the forest this weekend~ 另外,關于單詞,你可以下載一個金山詞霸看一下.網絡上還有好多學習類的網站,有造句類的.
宋才13334046840咨詢: 英語造句,,,說下意思
______ They are either German or Russian. 他們不是德國人便是俄羅斯人. Pay attention to your pronunciation. 注意你的發(fā)音. With all the setbacks, he did not lose heart. 盡管遭受種種挫折,他沒有喪失信心. I tried my best to pass the exam.我盡力去考...
宋才13334046840咨詢: 英語造句 -
______ he is slow-witted, but it doesn't follow that he is foolish. i accepted the job, but it doesn't follow that I like it. if given water, it will grow well. if invited. I will go. to my delight, he came in time. to his satisfaction, he passed the exam.
宋才13334046840咨詢: 英語在線造句~急急急!!要中文哦 -
______ 1. there was a time when she didn't get in touch with me. 曾經有一段時間她不理我 2. it happened that I didn't want to get in touch with her. 碰巧我也不想搭理她. it happens/happened that...表示 “碰巧.......” 3. something strange happened to us ...