真孫19420186281咨詢: 求“看病”英語小品.用what 's the matter?you should drink hot water...等等句型 -
______[答案] Jane: Hello, Doctor Kane. Kane: Hello Jane, you looks a little pale, what's the matter with you? Jane: Uh... I am not sure, but I suppose maybe I got flu recently. Kane: Really? But it's surely a season for flu virus spread widely. Jane: Maybe, my younger ...
真孫19420186281咨詢: 不,你沒有說錯的英文怎么說 -
______ No, you don't have that wrong.
真孫19420186281咨詢: remain在下面的句子中為什么跟名詞,是系動詞還是實意動詞 -
______ remaining原是動詞,但現(xiàn)在是動名詞
真孫19420186281咨詢: 劇本翻譯 -
______ A:Don't press the alert,or I'll kill you! Open the door , Follow my words now! (The bank clerk open the door) A:Where's the money? B:I don't know A:Really? Don't lie to me,Follow me. you 'll repent if you make my blood boiled (The bank clerk open the ...
真孫19420186281咨詢: 求哈利波特與魔法石電影臺詞 -
______ Harry:You? No it can't be; Snape he was he was the one--- 哈利:你?不!怎么會?應(yīng)該是斯內(nèi)普! Quirrell:Yes he does seem the type doesn't he? Next to him who would suspec...
真孫19420186281咨詢: 求一篇英語短劇! -
______ 旁白:Once upon a time, there was a queen. She had a pretty daughter named Sn...
真孫19420186281咨詢: 英語七下Unit4I want to be an actor 的小短劇 -
______ What dou you do? I'm a reporterWhat does he do? He's a studentWhat does she do? She's a doctorWhat do you want to be? I want to be an actorWhat does he want to be? He want to be a bank clerkWhat does she want to be? She want to be a shop assistant 是不是?
真孫19420186281咨詢: 跪求英語短劇 -
______ Wanders every five miles 焦仲卿Johnny(J for short)劉蘭芝Lunch(L for short) 焦母Johnny's mother(JM for short)劉母Lunch's mother(LM for short) 太守之子Mayor's son(MS for short)強盜Burg...
真孫19420186281咨詢: 1.小明跑3千米用了10分鐘.平均每分鐘跑了全程的幾分之幾?平均每分鐘跑多少千米? 平均跑1千米用多少分鐘 -
______ 1、平均每分鐘跑了全程的十分之一.平均每分鐘跑十分之三千米. 平均跑1千米用三又三分之一分.1÷10=1/...