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    求鄰家特工的介紹(英文版) 求鄰家特工影評英文150詞

    電影中,成龍的真實身份是一位特工,原本只是被鄰居請去臨時照顧一下《鄰家特工》劇照小孩,當短期“奶爸”,而幾個不聽話的孩子使出無數(shù)離奇的招數(shù)把成龍搞得狼狽不堪。由于孩子貪玩無意間得到一份機密,引來一批身份不明的危險分子,身手不凡的成龍一面保護孩子,一面對付全副武裝的神秘人,驚險離奇卻不失爆笑的故事由此展開。從曝光的《鄰家特工》片花來看,整個故事的走向和情節(jié)設計巧妙,值得一提的是,該片雖然搞怪居多,但不乏溫情浪漫場景。 《鄰家特工》也是成龍繼《尖峰》系列后推出的又一部好萊塢影片,如果該片能順利闖入賀歲檔,極有可能成為今年賀歲檔的黑馬。

    "Next Door operatives"

    Time: December 31, 2009 17:04:24 Source: Adjust Font Size: [Print]

    1, video profiles
    Title: Next Door operatives
    English Title: The Spy Next Door
    Director: Brian Levant Bulaienlai Winter
    Producer: Ruienkawa Borlaug Ryan Kavanau
    Screenwriter: Jonathan Bernstein
    Starring: Jackie Chan, Lucas · Till, George Lopez, Billy Ray Cyrus, Catherine Boqie Er, Kevin C Brown, Stephen Eiland and so on.

    2, the plot profile
    Former CIA secret agent Bob Hu (Jackie Chan decoration) has within the industry, one of the best one: the assassination, infiltration, investigation, or even destroy the powerful criminal gang lair, are alone. But in everyday life, who wore black-rimmed glasses looked everywhere in the ethnic Chinese menfolk Erque tricks boring, or even stiff one-third. Right now, my favorite neighborhood in women ( decoration) the process of interaction is encountered difficulties, in particular, and her three naughty a child is even more difficult to get along with and difficult to cope with the super agents frequently is the time to take care of the children suffered a variety of "unexpected" - Kitchen earthshaking, oven smoke, trash traps ... ... three little guys on the right mother lovestruck four men and is even more despised plus contempt.
    However, the current status of all the bad kids inadvertently downloads a secret code after the drastic changes - in order to silence the countless killer surrounded and locked in four small children and their poor little house. Super-agents come into play at this time, he abused the incomparable variety of powerful super-device quickly installed in a neighbor's home, the children are when a crisis comes obediently listen to Bob's command, and to join together to counter the evil forces among the ranks.
    A leading agent of childhood nanny Strikes broke out ... ...

    女聲,英文,好像有其他電影也用過這首歌當插曲。這個歌是 one way or another 的讓不讓人活了這么多怎么找剛拍的新片急什么啊

    馴龍記 大戰(zhàn)外星人 企鵝沖浪 超級大壞蛋 美食從天而降 卑鄙的我 超人總動員 飛屋環(huán)游記 圣誕營救計劃 未來小子 機器人總動員 快樂的大腳 功夫熊貓 冰河世紀 丑小鴨和我 蘭戈 太空黑猩猩 玩具總動員 怪物公司 蟲蟲總動員 汽車總動員 籬笆墻外 極地特快 鐵臂阿童木 機器人歷險記 閃電狗 叢林有情狼 ...

    求幾部動作片, 最好國粵雙語, 英文帶字幕的也行, 國產優(yōu)先阿。= =...
    sorry 我比較喜歡看外國的,最愛看英文的,介紹幾部我喜歡的吧 (很老的我就不多說了)國產:額……大武生(韓庚、劉謙演的)武俠(甄子丹,湯唯唯,金城武演的,沒看過)神槍手(sniper,明星演的,sorry,我比較喜歡槍戰(zhàn))還有成龍和李連杰有幾部還可以看看 鄰家特工(有點無語)大兵小將(相當...



    鄰家特工 成龍說的那句“I have two words for you: thirteen。
    two words 是兩個字 foryou是給你 13 應該是說他是13歲吧


    http:\/\/shooter.cn\/search\/Sub:%E9%82%BB%E5%AE%B6%E7%89%B9%E5%B7%A5\/?x=38&y=11& 以后找字幕都去射手網,那里最全了,如果那里還找不到那就暫時別找了

    兒童專題的英文電影有什么 演小孩子的... 要很可愛的那種
    《小曼哈頓》很純真和可愛的!!!《小鬼當家》幾部,很經典的,《仙境之橋》,《夏洛的網》,《小飛俠》經典!!!《101斑點狗》《綠野仙蹤》成龍的《鄰家特工》,《陽光小美女》,《跳出我天地》,《阿基拉和拼字大賽》,《極地快車》湯姆漢克斯配音 ...

    全民英雄漢考克(雖說也是美國式英雄,但是思路和蜘蛛俠什么的有點不一樣,有創(chuàng)新)鄰家特工(成龍的,不過主要是走輕松路線,個人不是很喜歡)諜影重重(這系列是我大愛啊,更愛馬特達蒙了……比007什么的不知道好了多少)地心末日(算災難片?不過最后化險為夷)當年我物理老師推薦我的 記憶猶新啊 機...


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    五華縣桁架: ______ The Spy next door was a pleasant surprise. After reading the countless negative reviews on the IMDb reviews, i thought it was going to be the worst 90 minutes in movie history. Although this movie is aimed at children, adults can watch it and have ...
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    五華縣桁架: ______ http://www.verycd.com/topics/2800429/
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    五華縣桁架: ______ http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTUxMzA1NzA4.html
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    五華縣桁架: ______ 名稱:鄰家特工 / 隔壁的間諜 導演:Brian Levant 演員:成龍 Amber Valletta Billy Ray Cyrus George Lopez 類型:劇情 喜劇 動作 地區(qū):美國 語言:英語 上映時間:2010-01 成龍扮演的中年人本來只是被鄰居請去臨時照顧家中的小孩.有個孩子...
  • 印須13045057651: 但是他飾演的《鄰家特工》我最喜愛,這部電影是動作片,這里的成龍表演得很好. 用英語怎么說? -
    五華縣桁架: ______ 《鄰家特工》是成龍繼《尖峰時刻》系列之后的又一部好萊塢作品,影片在新墨西哥州拍攝,2010年1月15日全球同步上映.《鄰家特工》中,戴著眼鏡、模樣憨厚的成龍的真實身份是一位特工,原本只是被鄰居請去臨時照顧一下小孩,當短期...
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    五華縣桁架: ______ 我也是東華的 What are you doing 你在做什么 Oh.that is so sweet of you. 謝謝你的好意!If you can 如果你可以 give me 給我 鄰家特工 Nice to meet you 很高興見到你 what"s the matter Excase me Sure you are smart 你很聰明 It's time to sleep 是...
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    五華縣桁架: ______ 鄰家特工 上映:2010年 時長:94分鐘 地區(qū):美 國 語言:英 語 導演:布萊恩·萊溫特 主演:成龍 類型:劇情
  • 印須13045057651: 鄰家特工英文影評 -
    五華縣桁架: ______ The Spy Next Door is a kids' fantasy in the same way that Disney films from the 1970s were. The badguys slip up and the kids learn to fight in a way that only a six-year-old would appreciate. We're just lucky that the film doesn't end with someone ...
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    五華縣桁架: ______ Annie Walker,女主角,天生喜歡冒險,并精通多國語言,憑借自己的特殊技能成功加入了美國中情局. Annie原本以為當特工只要身手敏捷,頭腦靈活便已足夠,然而卻在工作過程中對自己產生了質疑. Auggie,克里斯多弗-葛翰扮演,Annie的同事,因為一次事故而雙目失明的技術部精英.
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    五華縣桁架: ______ .....................................silly,silly,babby.
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