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    1. 用英語介紹香蕉的作文80字

    The Green BananaMy encounter with the green banana started on a steep mountain road in Brazil. My ancient jeep was zigzagging when the radiator began to leak. I stopped at the next village, where people gathered to look. Three fine streams of hot water spouted from holes in the radiator.“That's easy to fix,” a man said. He sent a boy running for some green bananas. We exchanged pleasantries while I mulled over the green banana. Asking questions would seems silly, so I remarked on the beauty of the mountain.“Do you see that tall one right over there?” asked my benefactor, pointing to a particular tall, slender pinnacle of dark rock. “That rock marks the center of the world.”I looked to see if he were teasing me, but his face was serious. He in turn inspected me carefully to be sure I grasped the significance of his statement. The occasion demanded some show of recognition on my part. “The center of the world?” I repeated, trying to convey interest if not plete acceptance.He nodded. “The absolute center.”At that moment the boy returned with my green bananas. The man sliced one in half and pressed the cut end against the radiator. The banana melted into a glue against the hot metal, plugging the leaks instantly.Everyone laughed at my astonishment. As a product of American higher education, I had never paid the slightest attention to the green banana. Suddenly on that mountain road, its time and my need had converged.This chance encounter showed me the special genius of those people, and the special potential of the green banana. I had been wondering for some time about what educators like to call “l(fā)earning moments”, and I now knew I had just experienced o of them at once.The importance of the rock marking the center of the world took a while to filter through. I had initially doubted their claim, knowing for a fact that the center was located somewhere in New England. After all, my grandfather had e from there. But gradually I realized they had a valid belief, a universal concept, and I agreed with them. We tend to define the center as that special place where we are known, where we know others, where things mean much to us, and where we ourselves have both identity and meaning: family, school, town and local region.。

    2. 寫香蕉的英語作文80詞左右

    If you want to make a banana milk shake,let me tell you .First ,peel three bananas .Then, cut up the bananas and put the bananas ice cream into the blender.Next,pour the milk into the blender.Then ,turn on the blender.After a few minutes,you can drink your banana milk shake.I think it will delicious.Do you agree with me?。

    3. 寫香蕉的英語作文80詞左右

    If you want to make a banana milk shake,let me tell you .First ,peel three bananas .Then, cut up the bananas and put the bananas ice cream into the blender.Next,pour the milk into the blender.Then ,turn on the blender.After a few minutes,you can drink your banana milk shake.I think it will delicious.Do you agree with me?。

    4. 介紹香蕉的作文怎么寫450字





    5. 香蕉嘗起來怎么樣的英語作文

    Delicious banana

    Elementary school of exposed to the sun 2 years of 6 class grandson bud

    Mom takes me to bought a lot of fruit, have the grape that resembles pearl, bashful apple, still Lie opens it the pomegranate that big mouth breaths out Ha Xiao, among them I like banana most.

    I eat banana for the first time is to be in nursery school. We are in when having breakfast, the teacher takes a dish of yellow thing to us, we say curiously: "This is what thing, can you eat? " the teacher says: "This is the most delicate banana. " the teacher sends each to us, I was taking banana to look a long time, then, I am mixed with desk munication, say: "What does this banana resemble, do you know? " with desk say: "Resemble the boat that floats on water, the sky hangs the moon of the move in the evening. " I say: "Come over it to resemble brow, ing over it to resemble riant mouth. Coming over it to resemble riant mouth..

    I ate a banana, it but really sweet, the candy that takes everyday like me is same. Passed a few minutes, I eat banana, I lose banana skin on the ground, a child says: "I should go up toilet. " then, he runs out, did not see the banana skin on the ground, slipped at a draught.

    I see his trip, I burst out laughing, say: "You are too stupid also. " the teacher walks over to help him up, look, so banana skin lets his trip. The teacher collected banana skin rise, at this moment I think: I must honest. I run over rapidly, lose the banana skin in teacher hand in rubbish canister, go say in front of the teacher: "I lose banana skin on the ground. " the teacher is laughing to say: "You are very honest. "You are very honest..

    At this moment I just know, banana is very sweet, very delicious, but we cannot drop about banana skin.

    6. 英語關于談論香蕉好惡的作文翻譯

    Most of the people love eatting bananas.They are easy to peel,they have bright yellow colour,they makes people wanna to taste them,they are sweet and nutritious on some extent.What's more,eatting them makes you feel happy and help you sleep at night.While in my opinion,bananas are not my cup of tea,because they taste too dry though they are sweet and nutritious.I just like fruits that are juicy and sweet at the time,such as pineapples and watermelons.As a result,you may not agree with me.But I just love to do so.。


    看著那金黃的香蕉,忍不住輕輕剝開它,果肉黃澄澄,胖乎乎,珍珠般的亮白的。一口咬下去,香,甜,滑,讓你吃了還想吃。香蕉是經濟作物,家鄉(xiāng)那勤勞的人們,靠種香蕉,都走上了致富之路。 我愛家鄉(xiāng)的香蕉,更愛我的.家鄉(xiāng)。篇三香蕉的作文 “嗯,香蕉真好吃。”我正在吃香蕉,下面,我給你們介紹一...




    在日常生活或是工作學習中,大家對作文都不陌生吧,借助作文可以提高我們的語言組織能力。你所見過的作文是什么樣的呢?以下是我精心整理的香蕉優(yōu)秀作文,僅供參考,大家一起來看看吧。 香蕉優(yōu)秀作文1 一條小船彎又彎,樣子像船不能開。金黃鎧甲披身上,甜甜蜜蜜味道好。知道這種水果是什么嗎?這種水果就是——香蕉。 香...

    在生活、工作和學習中,許多人都寫過作文吧,寫作文是培養(yǎng)人們的觀察力、聯想力、想象力、思考力和記憶力的重要手段。你所見過的作文是什么樣的呢?以下是我收集整理的介紹香蕉作文350字,歡迎大家分享。介紹香蕉作文350字1 “彎彎的背,像一把鐮刀。”你知道這是什么嗎?告訴你吧,這就是我最愛...

    美味的香蕉描寫作文1 我家微波爐上有一把香蕉,我呢,本來想給你講一講呢,可是如今老師大人讓我寫一下,我就聽命令寫一下吧!那香蕉看起來黃黃的,可它小時候卻是綠綠的,這個秘密其實大部分人都知道。說起這個玩意吧,我想起了兩個 謎語 。第一個是“黃金布,包銀條,中間彎彎兩頭翹”。第...

    關于描寫香蕉的作文 今天,我為大家介紹一樣又好吃又美麗的水果——香蕉!它的外形彎彎的像空中的月亮一樣,每天都披著一件時尚的黃色“外套”,它還有一只像兔子尾巴一樣的“小頭”。正因為這么美麗,所以才被封為水果王國的王后,本來它的身子是直的,但每次見到水果國王,它就彎腰行禮,天長日久,腰...



  • 賀眨18692674767: 寫一種水果香蕉的作文應該怎么寫 -
    柳林縣機械: ______ 香蕉為雜交來源,見正文香蕉(Musa 'Paradisiaca'),俗稱甘蕉、弓蕉、芽蕉,閩南語:芎蕉Khing-jio、客家話:芎蕉Khi?ng-tsiau,為芭蕉科芭蕉屬多年生草本植物蕉樹的果實,果實長有棱;果皮黃色,果肉白色,味道香甜.主要生長在熱帶、亞熱帶地區(qū).原產于亞洲東南部熱帶、亞熱帶地區(qū).
  • 賀眨18692674767: 寫香蕉的作文結尾怎么寫 -
    柳林縣機械: ______ 結尾: 熟透的香蕉可好吃了,甜津津的,從嘴巴甜到了心里,心都被甜倒了,有一回,我把爸爸剛買回的五根香蕉一下子都被我吃光了,要吃蘋果的時候,發(fā)現我的牙齒被它甜倒了,沒熟透的香蕉有點不好吃,不過還是有甜甜的味道呢! 香蕉很好吃,如果你吃了它,一定也會有這種感覺.
  • 賀眨18692674767: 要幾篇描寫和介紹香蕉的作文,急~~! -
    柳林縣機械: ______ 芭蕉科(Musaceae)芭蕉屬(Musa)植物,又指其果實,熱帶地區(qū)廣泛栽培食用.香蕉味香、富于營養(yǎng),終年可收獲,在溫帶地區(qū)也很受重視.植株為大型草本,從根狀莖發(fā)出,由葉鞘下部形成高3~6公尺(10~20尺)的假桿;葉長圓形至橢圓形,有的長達3~3.5公尺(10~11.5尺),寬65公分(26寸),10~20枚簇生莖頂.穗狀花序大,由假桿頂端抽出,花多數,淡黃色;果序彎垂,結果10~20串,約50~150個.植株結果后枯死,由根狀莖長出的吸根繼續(xù)繁殖,每一根株可活多年
  • 賀眨18692674767: 介紹香蕉的作文怎么寫450字 -
    柳林縣機械: ______ 香蕉是嶺南四大名果之一.栽培中數量僅次于柑橘、荔枝、菠蘿.冬季上市的“梅花點”香蕉,皮色金黃,蕉皮上布滿褐色小黑點,這種蕉香味濃郁,果肉軟滑,品質最佳. 我國栽種香蕉有2000多年歷史,廣東除高州、東莞、中山、新會、順...
  • 賀眨18692674767: 香蕉作文怎么寫 -
    柳林縣機械: ______ 作文如果是真情實感的最好,但如果自己真的沒有什么題緒的,那就編吧.從感情線下手,比較容易發(fā)揮,比如由在1.你最餓的時候,某人給了你香蕉吃,主要以感激方面去述說(這個比較老套);2.或是跟爸爸去賣香蕉,之間的所見所聞到;3.或者以“香蕉”來暗喻人的品質方面的~~~
  • 賀眨18692674767: 英文作文媽媽想買了3公斤雞蛋3個蘿卜幾個西紅柿,爸爸想買半斤草莓1公斤香蕉怎么寫英語作文 -
    柳林縣機械: ______ My mother wants to buy 3kg of eggs, 3 carrots and a few tomatoes, my father wants to buy half kilo of strawberries and 1 kg of bananas.
  • 賀眨18692674767: 英文作文媽媽買了3公斤雞蛋3個蘿卜幾個西紅柿,爸爸想買 斤草莓1公斤香蕉怎么寫英語????? -
    柳林縣機械: ______ mom bought three kilos of eggs , 3 carrots and a few tomatoes . dad wanted to buy some kilos of strawberries and one kilo of bananas .
  • 賀眨18692674767: welcome to our hometown,Gaozhou為題寫一篇介紹高州英語作文 -
    柳林縣機械: ______[答案] Welcome to our hometown,Gaozhou,Located in the southwestern part of Guangdong Province, Northwest border from ... 高州木偶戲被命名為第一批國家級非物質文化遺產.盛產嶺南三大名水果:香蕉、龍眼、荔枝.被譽為“全國水果第一縣”.
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    柳林縣機械: ______ 比如 my name is XX, i like eating candies,because i think they can make me happiness. but my friend XX don't think so, she think it is bad for me to eat so much candies,because she think if it continues I will got a tooth decay.So her favourite food ...
  • 賀眨18692674767: 怎么做香蕉奶昔英語作文 -
    柳林縣機械: ______[答案] Do you know how to make banana milk shake?Let me tell you!First,peel three bananas and cut them up.Next,put them into the blender.Then,pour a glass of milk into the blender.Then put in some sugar.After that,turn on the blender.Finally,drink the ...
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